Articles, documents, drawings and related to WB&S and local history are held at a number of sites, but most of the collection and archive can be found at the following places.:
Chippenham Museum & Heritage Centre holds a wide range of photographs, brochures, documents and equipment specifically related to Westinghouse in Chippenham. The photographic catalogue is available to search online here.
Wiltshire & Swindon History Centre also in Chippenham, holds a wide selection of records related to the company, including the land lease records are a rich seam of information for researchers into railway history. In addition the full card index of Westinghouse drawings is held here, and arrangements can be made for documents identified from that record to be made available from Invensys Rail Systems – for those drawings that are still held in electronic format – and there are several thousand.
The most complete photographic archive, including all of the Westinghouse archive’s glass slides, are held at Kidderminster Railway Museum.
Finally, the full remaining archive related to the Railway Signal Com (RS Co) of Fazakerley, have been transferred to Liverpool Central Library.